Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bookmark for Mom

My mom's birthday is next month, so I thought I would make her something little for it. She loves traditional and religious things, making it very easy to find patterns to make for her. I picked out a bookmark with a Bible verse on it. She will absolutely love it and she can use it in her Bible. The best thing is, it only took me a few hours to make it. I like the satisfaction of finishing a piece, something I haven't felt lately. I need to pick some more simple things for a while. I feel like I will never finish Lonnie's wine trivet. when I do, it'll be awesome, though.

I also tried some new recipes using my wok I got for Christmas. The sesame chicken turned out so tasty and the lo mein was pretty good. I need to perfect that a bit. The Chinese market across the street has some fresh vegetables that go great in the veggie lo mein. I can't wait to try it again.

I also bought an Irish blessing to make for Corey's mom. Here's to hoping she likes crafty things. It's got a beautiful green and purple border that is a little daunting. I'll start that one at craft night probably. Tonight Lonnie came over to eat some pasta that I made and we're going to watch Tropic Thunder. Back to work tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. i love short projects too :) the bookmark looks great & i'm sure your mom will love it!


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